Heading out onto the open road? Great! If you’re looking to have some fun without breaking the bank, traveling in your RV is a good start. But if you’re really looking to save some cash, here are our top tips:
Think outside the campsite
A campsite might not be that expensive, but compared to “free” they sure are! Before you go (or on the road), search for free RV parking somewhere near your destination (or along the way). Hey, you may not be able to build a fire, but there’s nothing wrong with free.
Use the shoulder
…season, that is. Traveling during shoulder seasons will help you ensure you get the best pricing. Not only are gas prices higher during the summer months, but oftentimes campsites and other facilities are too.
Stock the RV
Eating out can be a big chunk of your road trip budget. Instead, load the RV with nonperishable items like canned foods, dry cereal and pastas. Then, buy fresh ingredients at grocery stores along the way. Be careful not to overstock though, or you’ll end up paying more due to your poor gas mileage.
Get an energy-efficient truck
These days, you’d be surprised how good your gas mileage can be in a diesel truck. It can pay off to upgrade to a newer, more fuel-efficient model if you’re in the market. And hey, those new models come with a whole lot of bells and whistles too.
Invite your friends
What’s an easier way to cut the budget than to split it among lots of people? When you’ve got the space of an RV, you can load it up! Make your next road trip a group affair and invite the whole gang. By the time you split gas and campsite fees, you’ll be on the cheapest vacay of your life!
This information is for educational purposes. VIARV shall not be responsible nor retain liability for RVer’s use of the provided information. Prior to making any RV service decision, you are advised to consult with an RV professional.